Monday, December 24, 2007

2007 pictures

Here are some pictures from our year:

We hosted Alexis 1st birthday in our shop

Win #1

The first weekend of our summer long masacre.

(My count of 18 was WAY OFF!, there's 16 right here!)

Win #3 (4th of July!)
[The picture of win #2 was too small to post]

Lola's work to a bag of potatos when gated in the kitchen unsupervised .

Here's what Jake will do to his kennel in a thunderstorm!

(Ever since, he gets put in the kitchen while we're gone)

Grandpa and Grandma's 50th anniversary family picture

Our annual pumpkin carving party! Lots of pumpkins and fun!

( I believe we had around 50 people over this year, it just keeps growing!)

The three trophies and the BIG ONE!

Love, the McMartins!

So there you have it... some pictures from our year. It may not seem like much of a variety, but this is our life, racing & family.

I don't know how often I'll post new blogs, but I'd like to try and keep this updated throughout the year with what's going on in our lives.